Saturday, April 27, 2013

"I think I need a Bandaid." "You're ALWAYS using up all our Bandaids."

After getting hired as a full time teacher, I noticed that my legs consistently had bruises about desk height. I had one particularly impressive bruise that lasted for a month that has just now started to fade. I figured that this was just one of the hazards of the job, and I wore those bruises as a badge of honor. But I'm starting to think my teenage klutziness just never really went away.

You see, in the last week, I've drawn blood even more times than usual.

Last Sunday I was grating a five pound block of cheese from Costco to store in the freezer before it had a chance to mold. Not ten minutes into the task (it took a looong time), I grated a chunk of my knuckle. We will not be inviting any company over for dinner (at least for any recipes involving cheddar), for fear of them ingesting some of my skin.

Then, a few days ago, I was slicing an apple for my lunch. People, there's a reason why you're told to cut away from your body. As I was removing the seeds, the oversized knife bit into my finger. More blood.

And just now, as I was standing up after putting some items away in our entertainment center, my knee crashed into the open cabinet door. With all the commotion I made, I'm pretty sure Jacob thought I was dying. Nope, just bleeding again, in two places this time. And now I'm sporting an ice pack wrapped in a paper towel, courtesy of my husband (who is a good soul for not laughing at my misfortune).

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