Sunday, May 12, 2013

Humble pie.

I took my first birth control pill in over two and a half years just minutes ago. On Mother's Day.  When I was on the pill the first time, I was a hormonal, emotional mess. Right before I took it today, Jacob said, "Don't turn crazy this time." Immediately after swallowing, I pretended to burst into tears and began to wail loudly.

Sometimes you need a little humor to get through infertility. Especially on a day like today, when the world is celebrating mothers. I'm pleased to say that I shed fewer than ten tears today at church, opposed to last year when I shed about ten million. So, that's progress.

I am not a mother. Yet. We're still trying to gain the necessary funds to pay for IVF. Somebody in Arizona must've coordinated something, because in the last week we received checks from five family members contributing to the fund. It was quite unexpected and we were touched by their love and support.

 If you'd like to help out, there's a button on the right side of the screen where you can contribute to our IVF fund. In return, you can expect our undying gratitude and possibly some baked goods or homemade ice cream or babysitting services or even a terrible poem dedicated in your name on my blog. (I'd go for the ice cream, myself, but maybe terrible poetry is more your thing. I did once write an ode to Blistex, to give you an idea of you could expect.)

My friend Kristin has offered to help me set up an online auction to raise money as well. In order for that to be successful, I'd need quite a few people to help contact companies for donations and spread the word. So if you'd prefer to help in that way, let me know!

Again, we thank you for all of the love and support that you have shown us these last few weeks. It isn't easy for me to ask for help (I once walked four miles to a stake center because I didn't want to inconvenience my neighbors by asking for a ride), but we do so appreciate the support we've been given.

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