Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Before we cut the fat ones down to size

A few odds and ends:

I have nine days of school left before summer vacation. NINE. And thanks to Memorial Day, I only have one Monday left! The last three days of school don't involve any instruction, plus we have an all-day field trip next week, and the two Fridays will involve minimal instruction as well, so it's really like I  only have three full teaching days left. The end is so close I can taste it. However, this has the unfortunate side effect of me not wanting to do anything productive once the students leave at the end of the day. And the students don't really want to do much of anything, either. Alas.

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Speaking of side effects, if anyone was taking bets on when I'd have my first hormonal breakdown after starting the pill again, and you guessed six days, you may collect your earnings. Last Friday I became extremely angry at Jacob because he suggested going to the gym and that meant I had to change into a sports bra. The audacity of it all! Then later that day, when I said we needed to go on more dates, Jacob asked what I wanted to do. I told him to guess, and when he guessed correctly (have a picnic and play badminton), I burst into tears.

Oh, the drama. It was like a flashback to our first year of marriage.

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A few days ago, one of my students accidentally smashed two of his fingers in the classroom door right before lunch recess. It looked incredibly painful (and he was in tears), so I sent him to the office to get an ice pack. On the way back from lunch, I passed him in the hall and asked him if he was feeling okay.

Student: I'm fine. When I was in the office, two girls kissed me on the cheek five times!
Me: Oh my! Were you embarrassed?
Student: No. I liked it! . . . But don't tell my mom!

I had to walk away pretty fast after that so he wouldn't catch me laughing.

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I've been telling Jacob for ages that he should read The Hunger Games series. We watched the movie when it came out, and he finally picked up the first book earlier this month. He whipped through them pretty steadily. I warned him that the last book wasn't my favorite, and I didn't really love the way it ended. He came home from work one morning and told me he finished the last book. I was still mostly asleep, but I do remember him lamenting that the ending was terrible because (SPOILER!) "everyone died" and "she ended up with the wrong guy!" Bahaha.

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As of our latest paycheck and donations to the cause, we officially have enough money in our IVF fund to at least pay for the regular cycle, so it looks like we'll be moving forward with that this summer! We'd still like to get enough for the single cycle guarantee, so we're pulling some strings (and in Jacob's case, working a TON of overtime) in hopes that we'll be able to go that route. Again, if you'd like to contribute to the cause, we have a donation button on our blog! (And to those of you who have donated, a huge thank you, again! Your poem/babysitting services/foodstuffs will be forthcoming.)

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