Sunday, June 2, 2013

Three days of school and counting.

I'm feeling very humble right now. Things seem to falling into place for us all of a sudden, as far as figuring out how we're going to pay for IVF this summer. Earlier this week, a former roommate told me she's been saving up her "allowance" to give to us once we need to pay for our cycle. In addition to contributing to the fund, a relative told me that she'll give us an interest-free loan to make up the difference between what we have and what we need to cover the expenses. And just now, a friend told me she wants to write us a check for $1,000. Add this to the eight individuals/families who have already contributed, and I am floored. And possibly a little weepy at the moment. Does this surprise anyone? (No, no it does not.)

Now, to completely shift gears (I earlier said I didn't want this to become an "infertility blog," and I seem to be failing), have a story!

A few months ago, Jacob and I bought what's called The Pass of All Passes. Basically this grants us free admission to water parks, various recreational centers, and some sporting events. We finally received our passes in the mail last weekend, and Tuesday we had the opportunity to attend a Real Salt Lake soccer game. (Note: Real is pronounced something like Ray-al*, which doesn't make much sense, but I suppose sounds better than Real [as opposed to Fake!] Salt Lake.)

Let's be honest, the idea of soccer has never really appealed much to me. Running back and forth with maaaybe a couple goals scored during the whole 90 minutes seemed a little, well, slow-paced. But hey! It was free, and it was time to spend with my husband, so off we went.

We certainly didn't want to pay for parking, so we were able to park at the City Hall and catch a shuttle to the stadium. (This detail is important; hang on to it.) We were super early, arriving even before the gates opened an hour before the game started.

Once we were inside the stadium, we noticed our seats were quite wet, as it had been raining earlier. Jacob tracked down some paper towels from the bathroom, and we wiped off our seats as best we could.

We enjoyed the warm ups and actually took photos of the two of us for the first time in months.

Look at how dry we were.
And then, right before the game started, it began to pour. POUR! We had a little umbrella, but we weren't supposed to put it above our heads while in our seats, because then it would block the view of the people behind us. We were getting drenched pretty quickly, so we decided to head up the stairs and crowd under an overhang, like half of the audience. The storm passed relatively quickly, but the damage was done -- we were quite wet. After fifteen minutes, we decided to head back to our seats, which -- surprise! -- were wet again. I fished the paper towels we had used earlier and we attempted to dry off our seats again. For some reason, they weren't quite as effective the second time. :)

So we sat down in fairly wet chairs and watched the first half of the game. Our team scored a goal in the first three minutes, and then didn't score again for the rest of the game. The whole first half, I was slowly drying off. After halftime, I was juuuust about getting warm, when it started to rain. Again.

It wasn't pouring this time, but the rain was coming down pretty steadily. I didn't want to leave our seats again, because heavens knows those paper towels wouldn't survive a third drying. So we opened the umbrella just over our legs, put our hoods up, and hoped for the best.

Well, the rain was relentless. And after 30 minutes of this, the rain had soaked through my jacket, shirt, and underthings. I was quite literally soaked to the skin and wasn't so much having fun anymore. Once it started to come down harder, we retreated to the overhang again. At this point, I was shivering and not even watching the game. Jacob put his arms around me in an attempt to warm me up, but this just pressed my wet clothes against me and made me colder, so it didn't help. We would've left earlier, but remember the shuttle? It wasn't going to leave again until the game was over. And had we walked back to our car, we probably would've arrived AFTER the shuttle dropped everyone else off. So we were stuck until the end.

And then, maybe three minutes before the game was over, the opposing team finally scored their first goal, thus tying the game. But there was no way in heaven I was staying for overtime, so we took our chances and discovered, to our relief, that the shuttle was waiting for us.

And while I told Jacob that I would never feel dry again, I suppose after a hot shower and snuggling into my pjs, all was right in the world again. Until Jacob discovered that his textbook, which had been in my purse, sustained some water damage. Which meant he spent the next thirty minutes with a hair dryer trying to dry out the pages while I tried not to fall asleep on the floor.

*Okay, I just found out that they use the Spanish pronunciation of Real, which I guess makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, my comment was going to tell you that Real is pronounced the Spanish way, not the English way. :D
