Thursday, February 13, 2014

"All I eat are carbs and the occasional piece of fruit." ". . . Which are also carbs."

The Olympics are upon us, and you know what that means: I have watched approximately 2,374 times more television in the last week than I have in the last year.

A few days ago, Jacob and I were watching the pairs figure skaters. As we witnessed the lifts, jumps, and spins, I was struck with a brilliant idea:

Me: Jacob. Let's take up figure skating and become the world's next pairs' figure skating champions.

Jacob: . . .

Me: It'll be an inspiring story! The teacher and the corrections officer quitting their jobs to become Olympic champions in 2016! They'll make TV specials about us!

Jacob: 2018.

Me: Eh?

Jacob: The next winter Olympics are in 2018.

Me: Oh . . . it isn't 2012. HOW IS IT TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN ALREADY? Anyway, it could be so fun!

Jacob: I think you're on crack.

Harrumph. There go all my hopes and dreams of Olympic gold. But Jacob redeemed himself last night when he relayed to me, in detail, the happenings of the pairs' free skate, as I was unable to watch it. He even correctly used the term "triple axel," so, you know, bonus points.