Saturday, March 3, 2007

"Maybe there's a reason why you don't have a boyfriend." -- Jennae

Before coming to college, I considered myself to be quite klutzy -- tripping over my feet, dropping things, and walking into walls happened on a daily basis. Since coming to BYU, however, I was under the notion that my clumsiness was only in effect when I was in California. I began to enjoy the bruise-free days and the lack of aching muscles.

Then, this week, the idea that I had overcome my klutziness crashed all around my feet.

Exhibit A:
Tuesday is laundry day,  so I stripped my bed and decided to head down to the lobby to exchange my old sheets for some fresh, clean ones. I wasn't wearing any shoes, and I figured I didn't need to put any on for a quick trip to the lobby, so I descended the stairs in my socks. Now, these stairs aren't carpeted, and every few steps have two parallel black lines of a sandpaper-y texture. My socks kept sticking to those particular steps, and I shortly decided to skip those steps. I had almost made it to the bottom of the stairs when the slippery-ness of the socks combined with the near frictionless surface of the stairs to send me plunging to my doom. I ended up falling down the last seven steps, entangling myself in the sheets in the process.

Well, I was quite sore getting up, and had to hobble into the lobby to exchange my sheets. You would think that after a fall like that, I would at least get a bruise the size of Texas to show off, but the resulting bruise didn't even show up until a few days later, and it was a wimpy one at that.  Four days later, I'm still sore. Alas.

Exhibit B:
Earlier in the week, I was laying on Cari's bed, chatting it up, when I dropped my Chapstick, which rolled off the bed.  Rolling over, I stretched to pick it up off the ground, and I definitely fell off the bed. I fell off the bed -- for Chapstick! It wasn't even Blistex that I sacrificed myself for. ::sigh::

Exhibit C:
Our ward went ice skating yesterday. Now, I haven't gone ice skating since I was like, 12. And I managed to do fairly well in the not-falling-down department for the most part. However, the one time I did fall, I twisted and landed funny on my shoulder. No bruising as yet, but it hurts quite a bit and I can't really rotate it at all.

Oh, and the ice skates definitely rubbed my skin raw on my legs. That was a painful experience. And it was made all the more awkward because I hadn't shaved recently, and when I made this discovery, the bishop and another guy in my ward came over to investigate. Hopefully they don't judge me on the length of my leg hair. Because that would be most unfortunate.