Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"I don't think saying 'toesies' makes you sound manly in ANY context."

Today, as I was walking home from school, I was suddenly afflicted with a case of the hiccups. If you know me at all, this is not unusual.

Eight minutes later, I was still hiccuping. "Self," I thought to myself, "if you keep this up for long enough, you might break a world record!"

My hiccups stopped immediately. Go figure.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Have a caffeine-free weekend.

Once upon a time, I had a roommate we'll call Miscilla. (Hi, Miscilla!)  When she got ready in the morning, she would sometimes leave her pants unzipped until the last possible moment.

And let's be honest, my friends, I judged.

But these days, I've come to embrace her ways. Buttoning and zipping up pants just seems so burdensome these days. And buckling the belt? Good heavens! Who do you think I am, Wonder Woman?

Maybe I'll properly fasten my pants before Jacob and I go out tonight. Or promptly after they fall down. Whichever comes first.

EDIT: Um, I just realized that this entry makes it sounds like I'm pregnant. Which I most definitely am NOT. So don't get any funny ideas.