Thursday, November 6, 2008

"It's like drinking a spice cabinet."

Current Music: That Thing You Do! -- The Wonders
I propose that everyone start incorporating the word “frate” into their vocabularies. Starting now.
Freight? you may be asking. As in, a type of train?
No. Frate. As in “friend date.” As in “social event between a guy and a girl that would generally be categorized as a 'date,' except for the fact that both parties involved know that their feelings for each other are mutually platonic.”
It could clear up so much confusion.
Scenario 1:
Strapping Young Man decides that he wants to take Noble Lady to the company Christmas party, as everyone is expected to have a date, and if a man even thinks about showing up solo, he'll be the laughingstock of the office for the next year.
Strapping Young Man: “Noble Lady, would you like to accompany me to the company Christmas party so I don't become the butt of all the jokes for the next twelve months?”
Noble Lady: “It would be a privilege to join you! But before we discuss the particulars, I must inquire as to your intentions. Is this a date or is it a frate?”
SYM: “Definitely a frate.”
NL: “Excellent. I will take care to abstain from overanalyzing your every move at the party, then.”
SYM: “That would be most appreciated. I'll pick you up at 7:00.”
Scenario 2:
Blushing Young Woman returns home from an evening spent in the company of Loyal, Strong and True Cougar Fan Man, whom she thought she could have been interested in at one time, though it was too soon to tell.
Roommates: “Blushing Young Woman! How was the date?”
Blushing Young Woman: “Well, it was fun, but it felt more like a frate to me.”
Roommates: “Too bad. Let us peruse the ward selectory for future targets.”

And so forth. If "frate" became common enough, Virtuous Maidens with Hookups to Free Tickets to Events in the Harris Fine Arts Center Because of Her Job just might be able to invite her male friends to join her without sending mixed signals.

So spread the word.