Friday, April 26, 2013

If wishes were fishes

First off, thanks to all those who sent me lovely comments and messages after the last post. I'm blessed to have such thoughtful friends!

Now, I'm not intending to make this an "infertility blog." I've been blogging since I was in high school, and while infertility is now a large part of my life, it doesn't define who we are.

That said, one more post on the subject. (This not to say that this will be the only post on the subject. But one more for now.)

I think mentally, I'm prepared for the hormones and the injections. But to pay off the procedure? Ouch.

You see, we'd like to complete the IVF cycle over the summer if possible, since daily appointments aren't exactly conducive to a teaching schedule. But we have to pay for it up front, first.

Today we found out that we qualify for something called a Single Cycle Guarantee. In essence, we would be able to complete a fresh and frozen cycle with a guarantee of a live baby or part of our money back. Sounds fantastic, right?

However, each case is reviewed by a board and placed into tiers based on likelihood of success. We were hoping to be Tier 1 -- the cheapest of the 5. Instead, we're Tier 2, meaning that if we decide to go with this option, it's going to cost just over $18,000 -- and that doesn't include the medications, which can run up to $3,000.

Yikes. Of course, we don't HAVE to go this route -- we can just pay for one fresh attempt ($10,150) and the medications and cross our fingers that it works. Because if not, we're out of the money.

Decisions, decisions.

After receiving this news, let's be honest, I was a bit downtrodden. There's no way we'll have $20,000 saved up in just a couple months. We might get close, but we'll probably be several thousand short. So we got to thinking about how we can acquire more money. These are some of our ideas, with varying degrees of plausibility and morality:

- Rob a bank. (Jacob wants to make this clear that this was NOT his idea.)

- Hold a bake sale/lemonade stand.

- Sell all of our personal belongings online.

- Sell our plasma.

- Enter all of the radio contests in an attempt to win cash prizes.

- Go on a game show in an attempt to win cash prizes.

- Go to Vegas and hit the slots.

- Play the lottery.

- Ask family and friends for donations.

- Panhandle on the corner of a busy intersection.

- Take out a loan through a credit union.

- Kidnap somebody and ask for a ransom. (This isn't Jacob's idea, either.)

Any other suggestions?


  1. That is a lot of dough to come up with!!!
    I have seen many friends of mine who have done IVF and others trying to adopt who have set up a Paypal account for friends and family to donate if they would like to.
    However, I do like the Vegas idea!
    How much money would you get back from the guaranteed option if it doesn't work? That's a tough decision.

  2. We'd get $14,000 back if it doesn't work. Which would be enough to cover another attempt (without going the guarantee route) or adoption. I've also seen others set up Paypal accounts or other fundraising sites to raise money. I'm just very hesitant to ask others for money. It is an option, though.

  3. You know, I'd set up the PayPal account, see how much you could get in a couple of months, then take out the loan. Getting $14,000 back for an $18,000 isn't bad (if it didn't take) and if it did, you'd be getting the child tax break each year which could help pay back the loan faster.
    Plus, you could let family members know about your intent and the PayPal account and that way, when birthdays/anniversaries/etc. come up (of if they're feeling particularly generous that week/month), they can easily transfer some funds rather than try to remember to mail it to you. Then it seems less like begging and more like a heads up/"this is something that is financially difficult but very important to us" and folks can help.

  4. Kickstarter? I think you actually have a number of good ideas here, and I can think of many from the home stake who love you and would be willing to give something (self included). So I second the comment above me too. Love you.

  5. A family in our ward is actually doing a yard sale to pay for a sons surgery.

    Now that a bunch of people are spring cleaning I bet you could get a bunch of donations. I know I have a bunch I can donate!
