Monday, January 31, 2011

"This shirt doesn't like my chest!" -- Six year old girl

Just in case you weren't already aware, I recently acquired a substitute teaching job at a charter school about 20 minutes from our apartment. I had my first day last Thursday, when I covered for a fourth grade class taught by a girl who lives in our apartment complex. This is necessary background information for the following story:

I typically wash my hair every other day. Not only does this prevent it from drying out too much, but it also guarantees that if I straighten my hair one day, it'll be straight the next day, too (provided I successfully keep it dry in the shower).

Now, it had been a few days since I last washed my hair, and I had all intents and purposes to shower first thing this morning. But, as you may have guessed, I didn't have the chance.

I awoke this morning to my cell phone ringing. Voice thick with sleep, I answered it and determined it was the principal of the charter school asking if I would be interested in subbing for a half day today. Jacob had already left, so I couldn't take the car. I quickly called up the girl in my apartment complex, who had already left for work but graciously agreed to turn around so she could pick me up.

With no time to take a shower, and with hats being against the dress code (not that I could pull off the hat look even if they weren't), my hair was doomed to stay. A glance in the mirror determined that, given the proper technology, enough grease could have been siphoned off my hair sufficient to fry doughnuts in.

At least one consolation is that most elementary school students aren't tall enough to see over the top of my head.

(Also, in case you were wondering, I have since washed my hair.)

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