Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And little lambs eat ivy

Every now and again I go through these phases where I feel the compulsion to play Solitaire whenever I have some down time. And as I'm waiting for that husband of mine to come home from class (checks watch -- what's taking so long?), I have time to spare.

Miraculously, this was one of the few times I won a game on the first try. Because as much as I like to play Solitaire, let's be honest -- the percentage of times I win is probably hovering in the teens. Life is so hard sometimes. ::dramatic sigh::

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that every time I win a game of Solitaire, I have to watch the entire deck of cards fall to see if they'll cover up the entire screen. It's something I picked up from my mom when I was younger. And that little top left corner of green is what gets missed most of the time. Naturally, when the fallen cards cover up all the green space, it's a special occasion.

It wasn't meant to be this time, though.

And . . . that's all I have to say about that. ::darts eyes furtively:: Look! Pictures! Yay!


  1. Jennifer...I do the SAME thing! I think it is my wanting completion for my success :)

  2. I think we are far too similar in our solitaire habits. Right down to the percentage of winning. My friend won't even let me watch him play solitaire on the computer because he swears my very presence drops his ability to win.

  3. This post makes me want to play a game of Solitaire and see if the cards will cover the screen! I haven't played it in like FOREVER! (I'm currently addicted to Spider.)
