Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"I think I laid an egg." -- Unnamed husband

A few weeks ago, I ventured out to get my biannual haircut. One of the very first comments the stylist said to me was "Wow, your hair sheds a lot, huh?"

Why yes, yes it does. How kind of you to point that out to me. As if making small talk to the person responsible for cutting my hair wasn't awkward enough already.

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How many butter knives can two people use in 48 hours? Approximately 40 million. Same goes for cups.

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To celebrate Pi Day (3/14), I made a chocolate pie and insisted that we listen to "American Pie" -- all 8 and a half minutes of it. Listening to the song quickly turned into singing it at the top of my lungs and dancing around the living room like a crazy person. (I like to think that Jacob is secretly impressed by my ability to remember all the words to that song.) As I later found out, our neighbors may also be secretly impressed, as our kitchen window was wide open at the time.

 Here's to hoping they were celebrating Pi Day far, far away from the complex at that particular moment in time.

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I have nothing more to say.


  1. Also, you should print this out and take it with you to work on. It might take a while. It's a logic test, of sorts....

  2. ... I meant to post that on your other entry about subbing at high school. I fail. Maybe it's time to sleep now....
