Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Don't even get me started on the J word." -- Cills

Yesterday, I set out to write a blog post bemoaning the fact that I was sure I had elephantitis of the pinky finger, as it has been mysteriously swollen for the past several days. I mean, I did accidentally strike it pretty hard against the refrigerator a week or two ago, but that's kind of a long time after the injury for the swelling to show up.

And then I googled elephantitis to make sure I spelled it right (I hadn't -- it's actually elephantiasis) and inevitably, some pictures of individuals afflicted with such a condition popped up. Immediately, I regretted my decision. Because there are some images you just can't un-see.

Kind of like the time I read an article about the "Tree Man*" in Indonesia, who has wart-like growths resembling tree trunks all over his body.

Suddenly, the swollen pinky doesn't seem so bad. Jibblies.

*I cannot be held responsible for any emotional scarring of individuals choosing to google either the Tree Man or elephantiasis. You have been warned.

1 comment:

  1. Elephantitis resulted in worse pictures than the Tree Man, I think. I'm half-cat, and my curious side won out .... You're horrible for posting this. Also, now I'm wondering why we spell curious with a second "u", and yet when we amend the word to make it curiosity, we do away with the "u". Seems like a strange thing to do.

    Also, just thought I'd let you know that (a couple months later) I finally ordered the supplies for the hare-brained idea you stuck in my head. I get the feeling I won't finish in time for this year's Christmas... not to mentioned I ordered two so I could make one for myself. I feel like I'll have plenty of craft projects to keep me occupied for the next, oh, five years. (That's including my animal crochet projects I got for Christmas... I'm making an owl currently!!!)
