Saturday, September 8, 2012

Times are a-changin'

So, we've had some pretty big changes around here lately. Allow me to enumerate:

1. I was hired as a fourth grade teacher last Tuesday. Was I planning on working full time? No. Was I even looking for a job? No. The process went a little something like this:

The Friday before last, I was subbing for the fifth grade teacher I mentioned in an earlier post. Before school started, the principal of the school asked me if I had my teaching license. I responded in the affirmative and thought nothing of it. Then, after I finished teaching for the day, he met me at the classroom and mentioned that they had a fourth grade position open. He asked if I was interested, and I hesitantly said yes, but I'd have to talk to my husband about it. The principal told me to discuss it with Jacob and we'd talk more on Tuesday.

I emailed Jacob about the prospect, as he was at work, and I received an email filled with the most capital letters I've ever received in my life. To say Jacob was excited would be an understatement. :)

When Tuesday rolled around, I came back to the school to sub as usual, and the principal arranged an impromptu interview with the rest of the fourth grade team just a few minutes after I finished teaching. I thought the interview went fairly well, but it could have gone better, so I wasn't getting my hopes up. (Been there, done that, had all my hopes and dreams crushed into a million smithereens.) I figured it would be a few days before I heard anything, so I tried to put it out of my mind.

Well, not four hours after returning home, I received a phone call from the principal offering me the position! I wasn't sure I heard him right so I had to ask for clarification, haha.

I had a few days to prepare, and my first day of school was on Friday. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be "overwhelming." Teaching itself was fine, but afterward I realized I have no idea what I'm doing! (And I really should be planning for next week right now, but I just had to take a little break.) I have 25 students: 11 boys and 14 girls. It seems like a pretty good class, but I can tell a few students are going to give me a run for my money.

2. I have a functional laptop again! One of the perks of being employed by a school.

3. We are now a two-car family. Jacob drove me to and from school on Friday, but we realized it just wouldn't be feasible for him to do that all the time, especially with his crazy schedule. So today we headed to a car dealership and, two hours later, left with a 2009 Honda Civic Hybrid. (The "Hybrid" part makes it sound all hoity-toity. Hmm.) I don't have to walk to work anymore! Glory be!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you! Funny how things sometimes happen when you stopped looking for them. And I'm especially glad you don't have to walk in the cold.
