Friday, September 20, 2013

Cheerleader! So-and-so! Whatsherface! THE UGLY ONE!!!

I've been holding off on writing this post for a bit because I didn't want to jinx myself, but here goes:

Four weeks into the school year, I love my class. And while I can't speak for all my students, I'm fairly sure they love me, too. Or at least I think they like me.

Now, of course it isn't all sunshine and roses. I have a couple students who have a hard time following the rules or staying focused and finishing their work. But I will take a couple students like that over a third of the class, like I had last year, any day!

Most of my students are adorable. And well behaved. And they turn in their work. It is fantastic. I was grading spelling tests today, and whenever I came to a new test I thought things like, "Oh, I just love _____!" One girl wrote in the margin of her test "Spelling tests rock" and "I hope I pass." Earlier this week, another girl turned in a homework page that she had written out on binder paper because she spilled water on the copy I gave her. And get this -- she even wrote out the word problems before answering them! And she wrote an explanation which included "I hope this is okay" at the top. Girl, please. You wrote out the word problems! And you turned in your homework! Of course it's okay!

I'm really enjoying the boys in my class, too. They have such fun personalities and for the most part seem eager to please.

I can't express enough how much happier this has made my life. I'm enjoying teaching! I can banter with my students! I don't feel this heavy sense of dread every Sunday night anymore!

Is that enough exclamation points for you? Really, I'm feeling very blessed this year. My class has two more students than I had last year, but it feels smaller because they're so much more manageable. After last year, I wasn't sure I wanted to come back to teaching. I'm so glad I came back to have a positive experience!

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