Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Scumbag brain.

ME, last night: Well, it's 11:15! I guess it's time for bed!

BRAIN: Actually, I think this would be a prime time to think about every single thing ever.

ME: Really, brain? Couldn't you have thought all these things like twelve hours ago?

BRAIN: Nope!

ME: Curses.

BRAIN: Also, I think we should compose an email we've been meaning to write for the last few days. And we'll mentally rewrite it over and over, changing one little word at a time.

ME: Is that really necess--

BRAIN: Over and over.

ME: But I really should--


ME: You know what, how about I just get up and write the stinkin' email right now?

BRAIN: Suit yourself.

ME: Fine. I will. But I'm not going to send it yet!

BLADDER: While you're up, would you mind relieving me? You really shouldn't have consumed a quart of liquid before going to bed.

ME: Sigh. If I must.

BRAIN: Now that it's 2:30 in the morning, I'm wide awake!

ME: Don't you have an "off switch" or something?

STOMACH: Feed me!

ME: What? No! It isn't time for breakfast yet.


ME: Quiet, you! You will wait at least until the sun comes up!

STOMACH: Fine. But I will continue to make my displeasure known by growling unpleasantly.

ME: I think I'm going to try some relaxation techniques to help me fall asleep. First I'll focus on my breathing.

BRAIN: I have a better idea! How about I sing you to sleep? I'll start with all the songs from A Muppet Christmas Carol.

ME: In with the good air, out with the bad. In with the good air, out with the bad.

BRAIN: We're Marley and Marley, WHOOOOOAAA!*

ME: Maybe I'll focus all my thoughts towards the sensations in my big toe on my left foot. And I'll gradually work my way up to my head.

BRAIN: There goes Mr. Humbag, there goes Mr. Grim! If they gave a prize for being mean, the winner would be him!**

ME: Brain, I love you, but I hate you.

And that's how I didn't fall asleep until well after 3:30. And of course I was awake by 7:45. Sigh.

*Educate yourself.

**Can you believe Jacob saw this movie for the first time just this past Saturday?

1 comment:

  1. The Marley and Marley song is like the number one song I get stuck in my head. When Darrian would want to get back at me, he would sing it to me!
