Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ro Sham Bo

One of my students, bless his heart, is a little socially inept. He prefers talking to adults rather than other students his age, and he often tries to engage me in conversation at inopportune moments. I try to be patient with him, but usually once a day or more I have to tell him he can't talk to me right now. Today during our snack time, he asked for a slice of my apple. Um, no. That's my food, sonny!

Moving on. Today we had an assembly so the junior choir could perform their Christmas concert for the school. As we were waiting for it to begin, some of my students began to play rock, paper, scissors (or, if you're from California, Ro-Sham-Bo). This student asked if I would play with him, and I declined, telling him to play with somebody else in the class. He furrowed his brow, pouted a little, and then proceeded to play rock, paper, scissors -- against himself. For about 20 minutes. Once the assembly started I had to keep telling him to keep his hands still.

Well, then. He gets points for resourcefulness, I guess?

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