Thursday, May 19, 2011

The DI special

Yesterday, Jacob and I visited our local Deseret Industries, which is Jacob's Happiest Place on Earth. He talked me into buying three pairs of jeans there, which I suppose are just fine but not exactly what I envisioned when I was planning to put my graduation money toward a new wardrobe. He also talked me into buying this shirt:
The only problem is, I can't decide if the shirt is stylish or just plain tacky. A quick glance in my closet reveals that almost all of my shirts are one solid color, and that the closest I get to any actual "style" is sometimes having a collar on my shirts. Impressive, I know.

So before I start pushing all these crazy buttons, I need your input. Is it stylish? Tacky? Should I refrain from wearing it in public? Only wear it on Halloween? I don't want to commit any major fashion faux pas. You may cast your votes on the poll on the right.

Many thanks.

P.S. This is one of the reasons I need a female influence whenever I go clothes shopping. I texted this photo to Heather asking for her opinion, but she wasn't able to respond before the deed was done. Oh, the angst!


  1. My main question is, "is that crushed velvet?"

    If yes, automatically donate it back to DI.

  2. Take Heather or Christie or Priscilla shopping next time. Just sayin'.

  3. It will make a great St. Patty's Day shirt for when you are teaching. That's probably the only day I might wear that.

  4. I think we need to see it ON you to really get a feel for it :)

  5. You could have texted me and asked if it was hideous or not, I have picture texting too!


  6. Haha, it's not crushed velvet. Although based on the poll, I'm not so sure that makes much of a positive difference.

    Lesson learned. Tough stuff.

    (And you're right, Emily. I forgot you get picture texts. Next time I'll include you in the loop.)

  7. But you did figure out something important with this purchase! Patterns are critical for style! Your mom is right! Call me next time and we'll go shopping!
