So, my mom and I graduated this past weekend. Well, I technically graduated in December, but since they don't have a graduation ceremony in winter, we were able to walk together, which was pretty spiffy.
Good ol' Cosmo celebrated with us. |
A few notes about graduation:
- When they tell you to wear low-heeled shoes for Commencement, they really mean wear shoes suitable for hiking a mile or two. My shoes were already broken in pretty well, and only had about an inch heel, but my feet were killing me by the end of the processional. Poor Mom was in even more pain.
- Females are provided with these little white collars to wear with their gowns, to add a pop of color. To attach these collars, you're provided with three mailing label-esque stickers. Save yourself the 20 minutes of frustration trying to attach these (and subsequently smashing your collarbone periodically afterwards to get them to stick) and buy some safety pins instead.
- Despite instructions to withhold applause until the end of reading all the names, prepare to be embarrassed when your family hoots and hollers as you walk across the stage to receive your diploma cover.
The family, minus Dustin, who had "school." Pssh. |
And as a final note: graduation is really boring. I was in it for the pictures. Like this gem:
I love how my tassel went four kinds of crazy on me. |
And Jacob graduates tomorrow. Get ready for round 2.
Congratulations on graduating! My blog post will follow soon.