Friday, April 15, 2011

Party like a rock star

You came. You voted. And . . . it ended in a tie. So, after careful deliberation (read: I told Jacob the two finalists and he picked one of them in about 1.2 seconds), I am pleased to present you with . . . :

Why  yes, I am wearing the t-shirt I received for the water balloon fight on BYU's campus last year. And Jacob is wearing something I like to call a "DI special." Don't all rock stars spend less than 5 dollars on their clothing? (And stand in front of a floral couch also from DI?)Posted by Picasa


  1. You look like THE ultimate rock stars. How about a private concert next week?

  2. I think a special touch would have included foaming at the mouth from all your fantastic toothpaste. ;)
