Monday, November 29, 2010

He knows when you're awake

Thanksgiving was still enjoyable, despite my parents and Emily being unable to come up to Utah. We went to my Aunt Barbara's house and enjoyed spending the day with our relatives.

Heather double-dog-dared Dustin to make a snow angel:

Crazy kid. Check out the snow in his ears.

On Black Friday, Jacob stayed up until 7:30 in the morning shopping. I? I am not a shopper. I went to Walmart with him at midnight and was grumpy the whole time. Thus, he did not require me to go to the other stores with him. He pretty much took care of all of his Christmas presents -- makes shopping easy for me!

Among his purchases, he bought our very first Christmas tree:

No, I kid! This is what it really looks like:

Please note the plethora of presents wrapped in the same plaid wrapping paper. Remember that time I was banished to the computer room for THREE hours? Jacob did some of his shopping for me at DI and bought over half of those presents for a grand total of $16. What can I say? The man knows how to stretch a dollar. Although why he chose to use only one kind of wrapping paper when I clearly bought two varieties to add some diversity to our tree, I do not know.

Also, while we were at DI, I found the cutest Halloween decoration I just couldn't pass up:

Really, have you ever seen a cuter Frankenstein?

And while we're on the topic of decorations, here's the crowning jewel. It just isn't Christmas until Santa adorns the toilet seat.

Why yes, I did just post a picture of our toilet. When Jacob saw this lovely little addition, he asked, "Will it stay clean?" I told him, "If you pee on it I will CUT you."

And for good measure, here are some pictures of us (old pictures -- as in from before the move -- but pictures nonetheless), just in case you've forgotten what we look like.

Few things bring me greater joy than seeing him wear an apron. I had to cajole him into wearing it at first, but these days he'll put it on of his own accord to do the dishes. Precious.

We always crush our graham crackers on the floor. It's tradition.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh...the Santa toilet seat cover. This year it is adorning my bathroom because Emily's toilet lid is the wrong shape! Alas!

    And rolling the cracker crumbs on the floor is NOT something I taught you (or encouraged you either for that matter.) When I recently crushed cracker crumbs on the counter, Emily was aghast! "How could you break tradition, Mother?" (She always calls me mother.)

    I said, "Hey, I have NEVER crushed crumbs on the floor." Where did that start? You? Heather? Christie?

    P.S. Tell Jacob he looks GREAT in an apron!
