Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"When we're rich and have our own house, can we have heated toilet seats?'

For those of you who are not aware, it has already begun snowing in Utah. Just last night good ol' Mother Nature dumped five to six inches on us. Apparently Mother Nature is not aware that it is still October.

But I digress.

The changing of the weather indicates several things:

1) I suddenly feel the urge to listen to Christmas music (although, to be honest, I've been listening to it the last couple of weeks).

2) I start wearing beanies -- and, on occasion, my Eeyore slippers -- to bed.

3) I drink hot chocolate like there's no tomorrow. And not just any hot chocolate -- Stephen's Gourmet Hot Chocolate.

Back in the day when Heather and I were roommates, we had a hot chocolate collection unrivaled by anyone in the ward. Here's a picture for proof:

Impressive, no?

Well, once Heather and I stopped living together, we had to divide up the hot chocolate collection, which was definitely a tragedy. And since that day, my collection has been dwindling.

Jacob said he won't let me buy more hot chocolate until I exhaust my current supply. I take that as permission to drink a minimum of one cup a day.

The other day, while glancing at the label of one of those cans, I noticed that Stephen's had a website. Being the fan that I am, I perused it to see what new flavors they had.

Horror of horrors! When I clicked on the "Shopping" button, I noticed that they didn't stock Orange Creme anymore -- which was by and far their most delicious variety. Why, oh why, did the company commit such an atrocity?

My faith was shaken. Until I saw that Orange Creme was, in fact, in stock -- and listed in the Clearance section.

Happy day!

1 comment:

  1. This is when you can remind your beloved on the direction to have two years' worth of food storage (although counsel nowadays on how much is currently based on a shorter increment of time due to people's smaller budgets, the previous request for preparedness still stands). And how better to survive an emergency than to have the best of hot chocolatey comfort, no?
