Saturday, October 16, 2010

For those of you who love a man in uniform . . .

This is what Jacob wears to the Police Academy every Monday and Wednesday. Strapping, no?

I like to think there are a lot of possibilities with this outfit. Just yesterday, we went to our public library to pick up a DVD that Jacob had on hold. Much to our (and the librarian's) dismay, somebody had stolen the DVD from the shelves. I told Jacob that he should just stand by the exit or the hold shelves in this uniform for an hour after class every day to deter potential thieves.

He didn't seemed terribly thrilled with the idea.

I also told him he could pretend to be a cop in an unmarked vehicle and sit at the side of the road and watch for speeders.

For some reason, he didn't like that idea either. Something about being "illegal" or such. 

And then, there's always the possibility of coming to my elementary school to speak to the students about "Stranger Danger" or something like that. Never mind the fact that he isn't an actual police officer yet. The kids don't need to know that.


  1. I am personally a big fan of all three of those ideas, especially the speeders, that would be hilarious! Looking good though Jacob.

    Jennifer, I meant to shoot you an email on the tenth, but somehow it got stuck in my drafts. But we all wanted to wish you a very happy birthday (belated as it is now). Hope you had a good birthday!
    And Elizabeth and Kaitlynn specifically wanted me to say hi to you and to ask you when you guys are going to come and play with them!!!:)

  2. Oh, thank you! You can tell them that we're coming down December 22. We can't wait to see them either!
