Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hark! I hear a damsel in distress!

In the past week or so, I've started feeling this sense of urgency to get Marie to take naps in the crib rather than her swing or in my arms. We introduced the crib to her, and it hasn't been going super well. This is what my morning has looked like thus far:

9:00: Put Marie in the crib. She falls asleep quickly. Success!

9:30: Marie wakes up. Failure. 

9:35: Perhaps she's hungry. Feed the mancub!

10:00: Put Marie in the crib. She falls asleep. Victory!

10:12: Marie wakes up. Failure. Resolve to keep her in the crib to help her learn to fall asleep on her own.

10:15: Resolve crumbles. Retrieve Marie from the crib.

10:30: Sneak Marie back into the crib because she's looking drowsy still. 

11:08: Marie wakes up. Maybe she's slept long enough to stay awake for awhile? Nope, she's still grouchy.

11:22: Once again, she starts to fall asleep while holding her. Back to the crib, offspring!

12:53: She's still sleeping? Resist the urge to wake Marie up so I have someone to play with. 

1 comment:

  1. Sleep training is seriously one of the hardest parts of parenting that I definitely never thought about before kids! My biggest advice would be to figure out what works for you guys and then be as consistent as possible Consistency is key amidst all of their growth spurts and weird phases!
