Monday, June 25, 2012

The can opener saga continues

Remember that time I warned the Internets not to purchase an 88 cent can opener? Apparently, we didn't learn our lesson, because shortly after writing that post, we purchased the exact. same. one. For some reason, it didn't work out any better than the first time. Shocking, no?

So after Jacob resorted to mutilating another Costco-sized can of peaches with a pair of scissors (those poor scissors have been through so much), we decided enough was enough. Time to break out the big guns.

So we moseyed on over to Bed Bath and Beyond and picked up this sucker:

Oh yes. We forked over the dollars for an electric can opener. I used it once, and it was magical. So effortless! So convenient! I don't know if you realize this, but there is a shortage of left-handed can openers in the world. I myself have never seen one. So if you're left handed like me, and need to open a plethora of cans for dinner, your arm and wrist get mighty tired after a while. (And in case you were wondering, I have tried using hand held can openers with my left hand, but it gets all sorts of tricky and awkward.)

So you can see why it was pretty exciting to have an electric can opener. And then I checked out the reviews on Bed Bath and Beyond's website. (Which, admittedly, we probably should've done before making the purchase.)

This product received a whopping 1.3 stars.

I suddenly feel a sense of foreboding. . . .


  1. The funny thing is, we received an electric can opener as a wedding gift and I could *never* get it to work. It made me so mad and frustrated. We finally went to Williams Sonoma and got a nice, handheld one with one of our gift cards.

    It's perfect.

    I don't care that we spent $20 of our gift card on it because it's the most amazing thing EVER. I use it at least once a day. Because it takes the entire lid off (not just an inside circle) it never gets dirty. It doesn't hurt my wrist to use it. It's amazing.

    I wish you luck!

  2. Jen, you really should write more often. I always laugh at your posts.

  3. FYI, Chelsie is the proud owner of a left-handed manual can opener. I'm sure she would LOVE to show it off anytime. Then you can no longer say you've never seen one!
